What is the meaning of the word "accept"?


  1. to admit into a group or community copy to clipboard verb
    • Our university accepts students for graduate study in philosophy. copy to clipboard
  2. to be designed to hold or take copy to clipboard verb
    • The shelves are desiged to accept the heavy drawers. copy to clipboard
  3. to be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal copy to clipboard verb
    • The cow accepted the bull. copy to clipboard
  4. to consider or hold as true copy to clipboard verb
    • I cannot accept the dogma of this church. copy to clipboard
  5. to give an affirmative reply to copy to clipboard verb
    • I accepted the offer right there on the spot. copy to clipboard
  6. to react favorably to copy to clipboard verb
    • I accepted the offer. copy to clipboard
  7. to receive officially, as a report from a committee copy to clipboard verb
    • The council accepted my document on how to improve attendance. copy to clipboard
  8. to receive willingly something given or offered copy to clipboard verb
    • I accept your apology. copy to clipboard
  9. to take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person copy to clipboard verb
    • I'll accept the charges. copy to clipboard
  10. to tolerate or accommodate oneself to copy to clipboard verb
    • I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions. copy to clipboard


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