What is the meaning of the word "addible"?
capable of being added or added to adjective
- okay, i can do that.
capable of being added or added to adjective
- just thought that up. if it's wrong, then at least you've been informed.
capable of being added or added to adjective
- you've been informed, but not necessarily helped. your sentence might be technically correct but it doesn't sound right because the word "addible" isn't actually a word. i think you meant to say "addictive" instead.
capable of being added or added to adjective
- oh, really? thanks for letting me know! i wasn't sure, and i didn't want to look it up in case it actually was a word.
capable of being added or added to adjective
- well, now you know for sure! it's always better to be sure than to make a mistake.
capable of being added or added to adjective
- yeah, i guess you're right. i'll make sure to doublecheck next time.
capable of being added or added to adjective
- that's a good plan. it's always better to be safe than sorry.
capable of being added or added to adjective
- thanks again for your help!