What is the meaning of the word "art"?
a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation noun
- the art of conversation
photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication noun
- the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book
the creation of beautiful or significant things noun
- art does not need to be innovative to be good
the products of human creativity noun
- works of art collectively
NearBy Words:
- artamidae
- artamus
- artefact
- artefactual
- artemia
- artemis
- artemisia
- arteria
- arterial
- arterialise
- arterialize
- arteriectasia
- arteriectasis
- arteriogram
- arteriography
- arteriola
- arteriolar
- arteriole
- arteriolosclerosis
- arteriosclerosis
- arteriosclerotic
- arteriovenous
- arteritis
- artery
- artesian
- artful
- artfully
- artfulness
- arthralgia
- arthralgic
- arthritic
- arthritis
- arthrocentesis
- arthrodesis
- arthrogram
- arthrography
- arthromere
- arthromeric
- arthropathy
- arthroplasty
- arthropod
- arthropoda
- arthropodal
- arthropodan
- arthropodous
- arthropteris
- arthroscope
- arthroscopy
- arthrospore
- arthrosporic
- arthrosporous
- arthur
- arthurian
- artichoke
- article
- articled
- articular
- articulary
- articulate
- articulated
- articulately
- articulateness
- articulatio
- articulation
- articulative
- articulator
- articulatory
- artifact
- artifactual
- artifice
- artificer
- artificial
- artificiality
- artificially
- artillery
- artilleryman
- artiodactyl
- artiodactyla
- artiodactylous
- artisan
- artist
- artiste
- artistic
- artistically
- artistry
- artless
- artlessly
- artlessness
- artocarpus
- artois
- arts
- artsy-craftsy
- artwork
- arty
- arty-crafty