What is the meaning of the word "cabotage"?


  1. Is the transport of goods or passengers between two points within the same country by a transport operator from another country. copy to clipboard NOUN
    • Due to cabotage restrictions, the foreign shipping company was not allowed to transport goods from one port to another within the country. copy to clipboard
  2. Refers to the laws and regulations that govern such operations which often restrict foreign operators from engaging in domestic transport to protect local industries. copy to clipboard NOUN
    • Cabotage regulations can very significantly from one country to another, affecting international trade routes and logistics. copy to clipboard
  3. The transport of goods or passengers between two points in the same country by a vessel or an aircraft registered in another country. copy to clipboard NOUN
    • The government imposed strict cabotage laws to ensure that only domestic airlines could operate flights between cities within the country. copy to clipboard
  4. Trade or navigation in coastal waters, or the exclusive right of a country to operate the air traffic within its territory. copy to clipboard NOUN
    • The debate over relaxing cabotage rules has intensified as local industries argue it could lead to increase competition and lower prices. copy to clipboard
