What is the meaning of the word "dry"?


  1. (of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish copy to clipboard adjective
    • dry toast copy to clipboard
  2. (of liquor) having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation copy to clipboard adjective
    • a dry white burgundy copy to clipboard
  3. become dry or drier copy to clipboard verb
    • The laundry dries in the sun copy to clipboard
  4. having a large proportion of strong liquor copy to clipboard adjective
    • a very dry martini is almost straight gin copy to clipboard
  5. having no adornment or coloration copy to clipboard adjective
    • dry facts copy to clipboard
  6. humorously sarcastic or mocking copy to clipboard adjective
    • dry humor copy to clipboard
  7. lacking moisture or volatile components copy to clipboard adjective
    • dry paint copy to clipboard
  8. lacking warmth or emotional involvement copy to clipboard adjective
    • a dry greeting copy to clipboard
  9. not producing milk copy to clipboard adjective
    • a dry cow copy to clipboard
  10. not shedding tears copy to clipboard adjective
    • dry sobs copy to clipboard
  11. opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages copy to clipboard adjective
    • the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers copy to clipboard
  12. practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages copy to clipboard adjective
    • he's been dry for ten years copy to clipboard
  13. remove the moisture from and make dry copy to clipboard verb
    • dry clothes copy to clipboard
  14. unproductive especially of the expected results copy to clipboard adjective
    • a dry run copy to clipboard
  15. used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones copy to clipboard adjective
    • dry weight copy to clipboard
  16. without a mucous or watery discharge copy to clipboard adjective
    • a dry cough copy to clipboard


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