What is the meaning of the word "man"?
a male person who plays a significant role in the life of a particular person, such as a husband or lover or boyfriend noun
- They took good care of their man, starting with a homecooked meal.
a manservant who acts as a personal attendant to his employer noun
- Jeeves was Bertie Wooster's man
an adult human who is male noun
- There was a man eating a taco in front of the store.
an adult male person who has a manly or masculine character noun
- My parents tried to insist that the army will make a man of me.
provide with workers verb
- We cannot man all the desks.
the generic use of the word to refer to any human being noun
- It was a large step for a man, and a giant leap for mankind.
- adult male
- gentleman
- gentleman's gentleman
- human
- human beings
- human race
- humanity
- humankind
- humans
- mankind
- military man
- military personnel
- piece
- serviceman
- valet
- world
NearBy Words:
- man-about-town
- man-at-arms
- man-child
- man-eater
- man-made
- man-of-the-earth
- man-of-war
- man-on-a-horse
- man-portable
- man-sized
- man-to-man
- manacle
- manage
- manageability
- manageable
- manageableness
- manageably
- management
- manager
- manageress
- managerial
- managerially
- managership
- managua
- manakin
- manama
- manana
- manannan
- manat
- manatee
- manawydan
- manchester
- manchu
- manchuria
- manchurian
- mancunian
- manda
- mandaean
- mandaeanism
- mandala
- mandalay
- mandamus
- mandara
- mandarin
- mandatary
- mandate
- mandator
- mandatorily
- mandatory
- mande
- mandean
- mandela
- mandelbrot
- mandelstam
- mandevilla
- mandible
- mandibula
- mandibular
- mandibulate
- mandibulofacial
- mandioc
- mandioca
- mandola
- mandolin
- mandragora
- mandrake
- mandrel
- mandril
- mandrill
- mandrillus
- manduca
- manducate
- manduction
- mane
- manes
- manet
- maneuver
- maneuverability
- maneuverable
- maneuverer
- manful
- manfully
- manfulness
- mangabey
- manganate
- manganese
- manganite
- mange
- mangel-wurzel
- manger
- mangey
- mangifera
- mangily
- manginess
- mangle
- mangled
- mangler
- manglietia
- mango
- mangold
- mangold-wurzel
- mangonel
- mangosteen
- mangrove
- mangy
- manhandle
- manhattan
- manhole
- manhood
- manhunt
- mania
- maniac
- maniacal
- maniacally
- manic
- manic-depressive
- manichaean
- manichaeism
- manichean
- manichee
- maniclike
- manicotti
- manicule
- manicure
- manicurist
- manidae
- manifest
- manifestation
- manifestly
- manifesto
- manifold
- manihot
- manikin
- manila
- manilkara
- manilla
- manioc
- manioca
- manipulability
- manipulable
- manipulate
- manipulation
- manipulative
- manipulatively
- manipulator
- manipur
- maniraptor
- maniraptora
- manis
- manitoba
- mankato
- mankind
- manky
- manlike
- manliness
- manly
- mann
- manna
- manned
- mannequin
- manner
- mannered
- mannerism
- mannerly
- manners
- mannheim
- mannikin
- mannish
- mannitol
- manoeuver
- manoeuvrability
- manoeuvrable
- manoeuvre
- manoeuvrer
- manometer
- manor
- manorial
- manpad
- manpower
- manque
- manroot
- mansard
- mansart
- manscaping
- manse
- manservant
- mansfield
- mansi
- mansion
- manslaughter
- manslayer
- manson
- mansplain
- manspreading
- manta
- mantegna
- mantel
- mantelet
- mantell
- mantelpiece
- manteodea
- mantic
- mantichora
- manticora
- manticore
- mantid
- mantidae
- mantiger
- mantilla
- mantinea
- mantis
- mantispid
- mantispidae
- mantissa
- mantle
- mantled
- mantlepiece
- mantlet
- mantophasmatodea
- mantra
- mantrap
- mantua
- manual
- manual
- manually
- manubrium
- manufactory
- manufacture
- manufactured
- manufacturer
- manufacturing
- manul
- manumission
- manumit
- manumitter
- manure
- manus
- manuscript
- manx
- many
- many-chambered
- many-lobed
- many-sided
- manzanilla
- manzanita
- manzoni