What is the meaning of the word "pachydermatous"?
Figuratively, referring to a person, might imply they are insensible or indifferent to insults, criticism, or emotional subtleties, akin to the idiom "thick-skinned". ADJECTIVE
- Due to his pachydermatous demeanor, he rarely seemed to take offense at any remarks, no matter how sharp.
In medicine, is often used to describe skin that is unusually thick and tough, similar to those of pachyderms. ADJECTIVE
- The dermatologist noted the patient's unusually pachydermatous skin, which had become markedly thicker over the years due to chronic inflammation.
In zoology, describes an animal that has naturally thick skin that serves as protection against environmental threats, such as physical trauma, or parasites. ADJECTIVE
- The pachydermatous skin of elephants enables them to endure uncomfortable conditions, such as extreme heat, cold, and humidity.
Used to describe something that has, resembles, or relates to thick skin. ADJECTIVE
- Scientist studied the pachydermatous skin of rhinos to understand its adaptability and resilience in harsh environments.