What is the meaning of the word "pel"?
the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a screen, usually a colored dot; also known as a pixel noun
- There were over 20,000 pels on the screen.
NearBy Words:
- pelage
- pelagianism
- pelagic
- pelagius
- pelargonium
- pelecanidae
- pelecaniformes
- pelecanoididae
- pelecanus
- pelecypod
- pelecypodous
- peleus
- pelf
- pelham
- pelican
- peliosis
- pelisse
- pell-mell
- pellaea
- pellagra
- pellet
- pellicle
- pellicularia
- pellitory
- pellitory-of-spain
- pellitory-of-the-wall
- pellucid
- pellucidity
- pellucidly
- pellucidness
- pelmet
- pelobatidae
- peloponnese
- peloponnesian
- pelota
- pelt
- peltandra
- peltate
- pelter
- pelting
- peludo
- pelvic
- pelvimeter
- pelvimetry
- pelvis
- pelycosaur
- pelycosauria