What is the meaning of the word "pen"?
NearBy Words:
- pen-and-ink
- pen-friend
- pen-tail
- penal
- penalisation
- penalise
- penalization
- penalize
- penally
- penalty
- penance
- penchant
- pencil
- penciled
- pencilled
- pendant
- pendent
- pending
- pendragon
- pendulous
- pendulum
- peneidae
- penelope
- peneplain
- peneplane
- penetrability
- penetrable
- penetralia
- penetrate
- penetrating
- penetratingly
- penetration
- penetrative
- penetratively
- penetrator
- peneus
- pengo
- penguin
- penial
- penicillamine
- penicillin
- penicillin-resistant
- penicillinase
- penicillium
- penile
- peninsula
- peninsular
- penis
- penitence
- penitent
- penitential
- penitentially
- penitentiary
- penitently
- penknife
- penlight
- penman
- penmanship
- penn
- pennant
- pennate
- pennatula
- pennatulidae
- penne
- penni
- penniless
- pennilessness
- pennines
- penning
- pennisetum
- pennon
- pennoncel
- pennoncelle
- pennsylvania
- pennsylvanian
- penny
- penny-pinch
- penny-pinching
- penny-wise
- pennycress
- pennyroyal
- pennyweight
- pennywhistle
- pennyworth
- penobscot
- penoche
- penologist
- penology
- penoncel
- penpusher
- pensacola
- pension
- pensionable
- pensionary
- pensioner
- pensive
- pensively
- pensiveness
- penstemon
- penstock
- pent
- pent-up
- pentacle
- pentad
- pentaerythritol
- pentagon
- pentagonal
- pentagram
- pentahedron
- pentail
- pentamerous
- pentameter
- pentamethylenetetrazol
- pentangle
- pentangular
- pentastomid
- pentastomida
- pentasyllabic
- pentathlete
- pentathlon
- pentatone
- pentatonic
- pentavalent
- pentazocine
- pentecost
- pentecostal
- pentecostalism
- penthouse
- pentimento
- pentlandite
- pentobarbital
- pentode
- pentose
- pentoxide
- pentoxifylline
- pentylenetetrazol
- penuche
- penuchle
- penult
- penultima
- penultimate
- penumbra
- penumbral
- penurious
- penuriously
- penuriousness
- penury
- penutian