What is the meaning of the word "pol"?
NearBy Words:
- polack
- poland
- polanisia
- polar
- polarimeter
- polaris
- polarisation
- polariscope
- polarise
- polarity
- polarization
- polarize
- polarographic
- polarography
- polaroid
- polder
- pole
- pole-handled
- poleax
- poleaxe
- polecat
- polemic
- polemical
- polemically
- polemicise
- polemicist
- polemicize
- polemics
- polemise
- polemist
- polemize
- polemoniaceae
- polemoniaceous
- polemoniales
- polemonium
- polenta
- poler
- polestar
- polianthes
- police
- policeman
- policewoman
- policy
- policy-making
- policyholder
- polio
- poliomyelitis
- polioptila
- poliosis
- poliovirus
- polish
- polished
- polisher
- polishing
- polistes
- politburo
- polite
- politely
- politeness
- politesse
- politic
- political
- politically
- politician
- politicise
- politicize
- politick
- politico
- politics
- polity
- polk
- polka
- poll
- pollachius
- pollack
- pollard
- pollen
- pollenate
- pollenation
- pollex
- pollinate
- pollination
- pollinator
- pollinium
- pollinosis
- polliwog
- pollock
- polls
- pollster
- pollucite
- pollutant
- pollute
- polluted
- polluter
- pollution
- pollux
- pollyannaish
- pollyfish
- pollywog
- polo
- polo-neck
- polonaise
- polonium
- polony
- poltergeist
- poltroon
- poltroonery
- polyamide
- polyamorous
- polyandrist
- polyandrous
- polyandry
- polyangiaceae
- polyangium
- polyanthus
- polyarteritis
- polyatomic
- polyborus
- polybotrya
- polybutene
- polybutylene
- polycarp
- polychaeta
- polychaete
- polychete
- polychromatic
- polychrome
- polychromic
- polychromise
- polychromize
- polycirrus
- polycrystalline
- polycythemia
- polydactyl
- polydactylous
- polydactylus
- polydactyly
- polydipsia
- polyelectrolyte
- polyergus
- polyester
- polyestrous
- polyethylene
- polyfoam
- polygala
- polygalaceae
- polygamist
- polygamous
- polygamy
- polygene
- polygenic
- polyglot
- polygon
- polygonaceae
- polygonal
- polygonales
- polygonally
- polygonatum
- polygonia
- polygonum
- polygraph
- polygynist
- polygynous
- polygyny
- polyhedral
- polyhedron
- polyhidrosis
- polyhymnia
- polymastigina
- polymastigote
- polymath
- polymer
- polymerase
- polymeric
- polymerisation
- polymerise
- polymerization
- polymerize
- polymorph
- polymorphemic
- polymorphic
- polymorphism
- polymorphous
- polymyositis
- polymyxin
- polynemidae
- polynesia
- polynesian
- polyneuritis
- polynomial
- polynya
- polyodon
- polyodontidae
- polyoestrous
- polyoicous
- polyoma
- polyose
- polyp
- polypectomy
- polypedates
- polypedatidae
- polypeptide
- polypetalous
- polyphase
- polyphone
- polyphonic
- polyphonically
- polyphonous
- polyphony
- polyphosphate
- polyplacophora
- polyplacophore
- polyploid
- polyploidy
- polypodiaceae
- polypodium
- polypody
- polyporaceae
- polypore
- polyporus
- polyprion
- polypropene
- polypropenonitrile
- polypropylene
- polyptoton
- polypus
- polysaccharide
- polysemant
- polysemantic
- polysemous
- polysemy
- polysomy
- polystichum
- polystyrene
- polysyllabic
- polysyllabically
- polysyllable
- polysyndeton
- polysynthetic
- polytechnic
- polytetrafluoroethylene
- polytheism
- polytheist
- polytheistic
- polythene
- polytonal
- polytonalism
- polytonality
- polytypic
- polyunsaturated
- polyurethan
- polyurethane
- polyuria
- polyvalence
- polyvalency
- polyvalent
- polyvinyl-formaldehyde
- polyzoa
- polyzoan