What is the meaning of the word "pop"?


  1. appear suddenly or unexpectedly copy to clipboard verb
    • The farm popped into view as we turned the corner copy to clipboard
  2. bulge outward copy to clipboard verb
    • My eyes popped I was so mad. copy to clipboard
  3. burst open with a sharp, explosive sound copy to clipboard verb
    • The balloon popped copy to clipboard
  4. cause to burst with a loud, explosive sound copy to clipboard verb
    • The child popped the balloon copy to clipboard
  5. cause to make a sharp explosive sound copy to clipboard verb
    • I popped the champagne bottle. copy to clipboard
  6. fire a weapon with a loud explosive noise copy to clipboard verb
    • The soldiers were popping copy to clipboard
  7. hit a pop-fly copy to clipboard verb
    • They popped a ball out to shortstop. copy to clipboard
  8. hit or strike copy to clipboard verb
    • They popped me on the head. copy to clipboard
  9. like a pop or with a pop copy to clipboard adverb
    • everything went pop copy to clipboard
  10. make a sharp explosive noise copy to clipboard verb
    • The cork of the champagne bottle popped copy to clipboard
  11. put or thrust suddenly and forcefully copy to clipboard verb
    • pop the pizza into the microwave oven copy to clipboard
  12. release suddenly copy to clipboard verb
    • pop the clutch copy to clipboard
  13. take drugs, especially orally copy to clipboard verb
    • The suspect charged with murder popped a valium to calm their nerves. copy to clipboard


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