What is the meaning of the word "quadroon"?


  1. A person who is one-quarter African or Aboriginal ancestry, often born from one parent who is of mixed race and another who is white. copy to clipboard NOUN
    • Quadroon communities sometimes formed their own social networks and support system in response to marginalization. copy to clipboard
  2. Historically referred to a person who is one-quarter Black and three-quarters White, typically used in the context of racial classification in the Americas, especially during the 18th and 19th centuries. copy to clipboard NOUN
    • In some societies, a quadroon faced specific social and legal distinctions based on their mixed racial heritage. copy to clipboard
  3. The offspring of a mulato and a white person. copy to clipboard NOUN
    • Quadroons were sometimes offered certain privileges compared to individuals with more African ancestry, yet still esperienced discrimination. copy to clipboard
