What is the meaning of the word "rep"?
NearBy Words:
- repaint
- repair
- repairer
- repairman
- repand
- reparable
- reparation
- repartee
- repast
- repatriate
- repatriation
- repay
- repayable
- repayment
- repeal
- repeat
- repeatable
- repeated
- repeatedly
- repeater
- repeating
- repechage
- repel
- repellant
- repellent
- repellently
- repelling
- repellingly
- repent
- repentance
- repentant
- repentantly
- repercuss
- repercussion
- repertoire
- repertory
- repetition
- repetitious
- repetitiousness
- repetitive
- repetitively
- repetitiveness
- rephrase
- rephrasing
- repine
- replace
- replaceability
- replaceable
- replacement
- replacing
- replant
- replay
- replenish
- replenishment
- replete
- repletion
- replica
- replicate
- replication
- reply
- reply-paid
- repoint
- report
- reportable
- reportage
- reported
- reportedly
- reporter
- reporting
- repose
- reposeful
- reposit
- repositing
- reposition
- repositioning
- repository
- repossess
- repossession
- repot
- repp
- reprehend
- reprehensibility
- reprehensible
- reprehensibly
- reprehension
- reprehensively
- represent
- representable
- representation
- representational
- representative
- represented
- repress
- repressed
- represser
- repressing
- repression
- repressive
- repressor
- reprieve
- reprimand
- reprint
- reprinting
- reprisal
- reprise
- reprize
- reproach
- reproacher
- reproachful
- reproachfully
- reprobate
- reprobation
- reprocess
- reproduce
- reproducer
- reproducibility
- reproducible
- reproducibly
- reproduction
- reproductive
- reproof
- reproval
- reprove
- reprover
- reproving
- reprovingly
- reptantia
- reptile
- reptilia
- reptilian
- republic
- republican
- republicanism
- republication
- republish
- republishing
- repudiate
- repudiation
- repudiative
- repugn
- repugnance
- repugnant
- repulse
- repulsion
- repulsive
- repulsive
- repulsively
- repulsiveness
- repurchase
- reputability
- reputable
- reputably
- reputation
- repute
- reputedly