What is the meaning of the word "ten"?
NearBy Words:
- ten-fold
- ten-membered
- ten-sided
- ten-spot
- ten-strike
- tenability
- tenable
- tenableness
- tenacious
- tenaciously
- tenaciousness
- tenacity
- tenancy
- tenant
- tenanted
- tenantry
- tench
- tend
- tendencious
- tendency
- tendentious
- tendentiously
- tendentiousness
- tender
- tenderfoot
- tendergreen
- tenderhearted
- tenderheartedness
- tenderisation
- tenderise
- tenderised
- tenderiser
- tenderization
- tenderize
- tenderized
- tenderizer
- tenderloin
- tenderly
- tenderness
- tending
- tendinitis
- tendinous
- tendon
- tendonitis
- tendosynovitis
- tendrac
- tendril
- tendril-climbing
- tenebrific
- tenebrionid
- tenebrionidae
- tenebrious
- tenebrous
- tenement
- tenerife
- tenesmus
- tenet
- tenfold
- tenge
- tenia
- tenner
- tennessean
- tennessee
- tenniel
- tennis
- tennyson
- tenon
- tenonitis
- tenor
- tenoretic
- tenorist
- tenoroon
- tenosynovitis
- tenpence
- tenpin
- tenpins
- tenpounder
- tenrec
- tenrecidae
- tense
- tensed
- tensely
- tenseness
- tensile
- tensimeter
- tensiometer
- tension
- tensional
- tensionless
- tensity
- tensor
- tent
- tent-fly
- tentacle
- tentacled
- tentacular
- tentaculata
- tentative
- tentatively
- tenter
- tenterhook
- tenth
- tenthly
- tenthredinidae
- tenting
- tentmaker
- tentorium
- tenuity
- tenuous
- tenuously
- tenure
- tenured