What is the meaning of the word "unbridgeable"?


  1. Refers to something that cannot be crossed, connected, or overcome, whether it's a physical gap or a metaphorical divide, such as differences in opinion, values, or circumstances. copy to clipboard ADJECTIVE
    • The ideological differences between the two groups were so profound that they seemed unbridgeable. copy to clipboard
  2. Suggests a sense of finality or impossibility, indicating that no amount of effort, negotiation, or compromise can close the gap or resolve the issue. copy to clipboard ADJECTIVE
    • The couple eventually realized that their differences were unbridgeable and decided to separate. copy to clipboard
  3. Used metaphorically to describe relationships, conflicts, or disagreemens that are too vast or deep to resolve. copy to clipboard ADJECTIVE
    • There was an unbridgeable gap in communication between the management and the employees. copy to clipboard
