What is the meaning of the word "use"?
a particular service noun
- I put their knowledge to good use.
in economics, the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing noun
- Automobile use is up this quarter.
the act of using noun
- We warned against the use of narcotic drugs.
the exercise of the legal right to enjoy the benefits of owning property noun
- We were given the use of the boat.
to habitually do something, only in the past tense verb
- I used to call my parents every week but now I call only occasionally.
to put into service verb
- We used horses to patrol the streets.
to seek or achieve an end by using to one's advantage verb
- We use influential friends to meet influential people.
to take or consume regularly or habitually verb
- I use drugs regularly.
- apply
- consumption
- employ
- employment
- enjoyment
- exercise
- function
- habit
- habituate
- manipulation
- purpose
- role
- usage
- utilisation
- utilise
- utilization
- utilize