What is the meaning of the word "beguilement"?
Beguilement often carries a connotation of seduction or enticement, leading someone away from the truth or into a trap with seemingly innocent or attractive propositions.
A blend of deception and charm that makes the deceit more palatable or even enjoyable to the person being misled. NOUN
- She fell for the beguilement of the advertisement, believing the product would solve all her problems.
Refers to the act or process of deceiving someone in a charming or enchanting manner. NOUN
- The magician's beguilement lay not just in his tricks, but in his charismatic presentation that captivated the audience.
The use of cleverness, allure, or charm to mislead or trick someone into believing something or acting in a certain way. NOUN
- The city's vibrant lights and promises of fortune were nothing but beguilement for the newcomers seeking a better life.