What is the meaning of the word "step"?
a sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance noun
- I taught them the waltz step.
a short distance noun
- it's only a step to the drugstore
furnish with steps verb
- The architect wants to step the terrace
measure (distances) by pacing verb
- step off ten yards
move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation verb
- They stepped into a life of luxury.
move with one's feet in a specific manner verb
- step lively
relative position in a graded series noun
- always a step behind
shift or move by taking a step verb
- step back
support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway noun
- I paused on the bottom step.
the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down noun
- The toddler walked with unsteady steps.
the distance covered by a step noun
- They paced off ten steps from the old tree and began to dig.
the sound of a step of someone walking noun
- I heard footsteps on the porch.
walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner verb
- step over to the blackboard
- abuse
- dance step
- footfall
- footmark
- footprint
- footstep
- gradation
- ill-treat
- ill-use
- kick around
- maltreat
- measure
- mistreat
- pace
- stair
- stone's throw
- stride
- tone
- tread
- whole step
- whole tone